On Getting Canned...
Fortunately, I survived a huge layoff. And this layoff has gotten a ton of press because they notified everyone via email.First, I want to say that I think the way they handled it was pretty crappy. I wish our managers had come to us to give us the thumbs up or thumbs down. Instead, we sweated it out by our computers at 8:45 waiting to hear a dreaded "ding".
However, the press reports have been a little overblown. We were notified well in advance that an email would be sent. They gave us every opportunity to deal with a layoff. I respect the fact they gave us a few weeks to get our things in order, and also provided resources for us to get a portfolio put together. They are also going to have some placement assistance for a few employees, as well as a job fair. It wasn't like they said layoffs would happen Thursday, and everyone was gone on Friday.
I think layoffs are a crappy way to do business, because you never should get bloated in the first place. But this one was necessary, and I'm glad to have survived it.