Monday, August 28, 2006

Web 2.0 - Is it right for you?

I have immersed myself in the "blogosphere" for the past few months, trying to learn as much as I can about every aspect of the new media revolution. One thing that has always made me laugh was many cats' insistence that "You need to go into new media or you will die." This is ridiculous. When confronted with that type of comment, I immediately think of laundry detergent. How is Tide, something that is about as technical as a bag of rocks, going to be taken seriously in a tech setting. Is that where their core customers are?

I think many bloggers are quick to conclude they are the cutting edge, and this is where things are moving. I beg to differ. I can't reasonably see actual benefit for traditional brands....

I thought I should delete all the text, but it seems you have come upon me during a stroke of enlightenment.

What if Tide had a web space dedicated to getting stains out of your clothes? The target market is probably going online to find out about these things already (if they are searching). I wonder if it would convert Purex and Arm & Hammer users to switch...

Maybe there is a space for everyone on the net...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Honda - Mr. Opportunity is a Bag of Douche

Ok, first and foremost. Mr. Opportunity, the spokes-douche of Honda, really sucks. The whole "cartoon outtakes" thing was funny at the end of the first Shrek. Other than that, cartoon outtakes should seriously be avoided. Because regular, educated folks can easily deduce that the "outtakes" are actually planned, as in order for the cartoon to even exist, somebody had to animate it. Unless they really want us to believe that the animator fucked up, and these are the outtakes of hours of work they did incorrectly.

Yeah, so those Honda Ads blow.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bloggers - Influential Illiterates

Is it just me, or are you also annoyed with the fact that many bloggers can't spell? I don't know if it's just me, but use a freaking spell checker once.

First Post Baby

Starting the Blog to end all blogs. Nah, really just blogging to get my thoughts down on whatever I'm thinking of.

So there. Look for updates continuously.
